Sustainably-Raised Small Meats, Poultry, Eggs and Farm Products
Our Pastures
At Bear Run Farm, we plant our tillable land with a variety of forage mixes and grasses. We graze our animals on approximately 30 acres and produce hay on another 20. Sustainable pasture management is curious work - and we are constantly learning how we can do better because there is always more to learn! It can be daunting to think about where to begin as no two plots of land are exactly alike (each pasture can be different). Choosing a grazing system that's a good fit for us and our livestock means considering our personal goals, time commitment, and available resources. But it's incredibly important because forage quality is the basis of animal health and therefore the success of our farm (especially since we strive to raise only grass-fed animals). At present, we use a rotational grazing system, rotating our animals between pastures periodically based on the size of our heard, the health of the grasses, the weather each season, and our plans for the farm year. This is absolutely an ongoing journey for us - it takes a lot of resources to do this properly (and successfully). But learning is one of the great joys of farming. Hands-on learning what works and what doesn't work. Watching our herd evolve. Watching our land evolve. Watching ourselves evolve. Follow us on this journey as we dive into the benefits and challenges of sustatinable farming.
Photo By: Dan McBride